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Homemade Lamborghini by Chen Jinmiao

    We know that Lamborghini is one of the most expensive car manufacturer. when we can't afford to buy the real Lamborghini car so why don't we make our own Lamborghini? look at Chen Jinmiao. he has a dream to own a Lamborghini car since he was a kid and now he made his own homemade Lamborghini car.

    Chen had dreamed of driving his very own Lamborghini, ever since he was a child. And when he became a skilled mechanic, this ambitious man decided it was time for his dream to become a reality. He downloaded the necessary blueprints, began searching and manufacturing the parts , and after a year’s work, he finally had his own yellow Lamborghini.

    Chen Jinmiao, of Chenzhou, Hunan province, spent a total of about $3,000 on his home-made Lamborghini, and though it might not look exactly like the real thing, it has the wing doors that open upwards, and a top speed of 60 miles per hour

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Homemade Lamborghini by Chen Jinmiao

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Brasil pide "más flexibilidad" con el programa nuclear de Irán

    El presidente de Irán, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Brasil quiere mayor flexibildad para lograr un acuerdo con Ahmadinejad sobre el programa nuclear iraní.

    El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Brasil, Celso Amorim, pidió a la comunidad internacional y a Irán que se muestren más flexibles para lograr un acuerdo sobre el controvertido programa nuclear del gobierno de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Amorim volvió a expresar su postura favorable a que Irán disponga de un programa nuclear con fines pacíficos. Para ello, el jefe de la diplomacia brasileña cree que debería reactivarse el plan para que Teherán obtenga uranio enriquecido de un tercer país.

    Brasil incluso se mostró abierto a que se explore la posiblidad de que sea en su territorio donde se enriquezca el uranio destinado a los reactores iraníes y no en Francia o Rusia, como se había acordado en octubre pasado.

    "Esperamos que se dé este acuerdo. Es importante y crea confianza entre Irán y el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA), pero como en cualquier otra negociación debería haber flexibilidad de todas las partes", dijo Amorim durante su visita a Teherán.

    "Irán debería poder tener un programa nuclear pacífico y la comunidad internacional debería obtener garantías de que no habrá un desvío (de la tecnología nuclear) hacia objetivos militares", resumió Amorim.


    El canciller brasileño Celso Amorim

    El canciller brasileño rechaza la vía de las sanciones contra Irán.

    El ahora congelado acuerdo de octubre consistitía en que Francia y Rusia se encargarían de enriquecer el uranio que posteriormente Irán emplearía en sus reactores. Con ello se intentaba evitar que el material fuera utilizado para fabricar armas.

    El presidente Ahmadinejad se mostró en un primer momento favorable a la propuesta, pero con una serie de condiciones que ni Francia ni Rusia terminaron por aceptar.

    El mandatario pretendía que el intercambio de uranio iraní enriquecido al 3,5% por el francés y ruso enriquecido al 20% fuera simultáneo y no se demorara los "cuatro o cinco meses" que las dos potencias tardarían en procesarlo. La exigencia fue rechazada por Francia y Rusia.

    En febrero hubo un conato de reactivación del acuerdo, pero -como apuntó entonces el corresponsal de la BBC en Teherán, Jon Leyne- los intentos de acercamiento iraníes sólo despertaron sospechas de que eran un mero intento de evitar o dilatar las sanciones propuestas por EE.UU. contra Irán.

    Ahora, el jefe de la diplomacia brasileña intenta desbloquear la situación ofreciendo su país para efectuar el intercambio.


    El canciller de Brasil, país que ocupa un asiento temporal en el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, también recordó que el gobierno de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva está empeñado en encontrar una salida negociada a la disputa y que se opone a imponer sanciones que terminen por aislar a Teherán.

    Creemos que las sanciones son ineficientes. La única cosa que hacen es perjudicar a las personas, principalmente a las clases más bajas

    Celso Amorim

    "Creemos que las sanciones son ineficientes. La única cosa que hacen es perjudicar a las personas, principalmente a las clases más bajas", dijo.

    "En la mayoría de las ocasiones, por algún motivo puede haber dudas y hasta sospechas, pero la postura de Brasil es que todas esas ambigüedades deben ser eliminadas", completó Amorim.

    Sin embargo, con Estados Unidos como cabeza visible, diversas potencias occidentales defienden que Naciones Unidas sancione a Teherán por su programa nuclear.

    También el presidente francés, Nicolás Sarkozy, ha hablado del peligro de que el desarrollo de la tecnología nuclear en Irán tenga fines militares y ha instado al Consejo de Seguridad a sancionar al gobierno de Ahmadinejad.

    Por el contrario, además de Brasil, China y Rusia, países con poder de veto en el Consejo, no están convencidos de que la profundización de las sanciones sea la mejor manera de convencer a Teherán para que demuestre que su programa nuclear no tiene intenciones armamentistas.

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Brasil pide "más flexibilidad" con el programa nuclear de Irán

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    Volcán Anak Krakatau

    Indonesia se encuentra en un área de intensa actividad volcánica.

    Esta semana se lleva a cabo en Indonesia la conferencia más ambiciosa que se haya realizado hasta la fecha sobre energía geotérmica.

    El congreso en Bali tiene como finalidad estudiar cómo aprovechar mejor esta forma de energía, que tiene el potencial de convertirse en uno de los combustibles limpios del futuro.

    La energía geotérmica es la que se extrae del calor acumulado en la Tierra, y que -según los ambientalistas- puede ser clave en el desarrollo de energías.

    Representantes de más de 80 países participan en el encuentro que finaliza el 30 de abril.

    Muchos la llaman "poder volcánico", aunque, desde el punto de vista científico, la energía geotérmica es la fuerza que se extrae del calor acumulado en el núcleo de la Tierra.

    Indonesia tiene previsto aprovechar esta fuente energética, especialmente la que surge de sus volcanes.

    Costo elevado

    El archipiélago de más de 17.000 islas está ubicado en el Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico, una de las regiones volcánicas más activas del mundo.

    Indonesia no tiene suficientes recursos como para suministrar electricidad de forma constante a toda su población. Por esta razón, y en vistas de la expansión económica que está viviendo este país del sudeste asiático, resulta de vital importancia hallar una fuente de energía alternativa.

    Según diversos científicos, el planeta tiene una cantidad de energía geotérmica suficiente para suplir las necesidades de la humanidad y ciertamente suficiente para resolver las necesidades energéticas de Indonesia. El obstáculo es su costo. Si bien es un tipo de energía que no provoca daños en el ecosistema, su aprovechamiento obliga a realizar muchos gastos.

    Actualmente, Indonesia utiliza mayormente carbón para el suministro energético. Es barato, pero perjudicial para el medio ambiente. QUICK DIVORCE Se estima que una planta geotérmica puede costar casi el doble de lo que cuesta una de carbón, y su construcción puede llegar a tomar muchos años más.

    Por medio de la conferencia, Indonesia busca recaudar más de US$1.000 millones para desarrollar esta fuente de energía para el futuro.

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The Smallest Man in The World He Pingping

    The Smallest man in the world which is listed on the Guinness Book of records was He Pingping.He Pingping, of China, who was 2 feet, 5.37 inches (74.6 centimeters) tall, had become a recognized figure across the world, often taking part in shows, photo shoots and other events, Guinness World Records said. If he pingping was listed as the World Smallest and Shortest man so he have to meet The World Tallest Man from China Zhao Liang.

    Born in Inner Mongolia in July 1988, the size of 74.61 inches was due to osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease that has abruptly stopped its growth, from an early age. His status as “the smallest in the world” had made an international celebrity, traveling the world, loud and clear on the colors of his country of origin. The editor of Guinness World Records, Craig Glenday, said in tribute: “For a small man, he had a huge impact on the world.”

    He Pingping, the world's shortest man, has died at the age of 21, AFP reports. Pingping was 2 feet, 5 inches tall. His death was announced by the a spokesman for the Guinness World records.

    Pingping was filming a TV program called "The Record Show" in Italy when he developed chest problems, according to reports.

    Born in China with a form of primordial dwarfism, Pingping was recognized as the world's shortest man in 2008.

    "For such a small man, he made a huge impact around the world," Guinness World Records editor-in-chief Craig Glenday said, according to the BBC.

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The Smallest Man in The World He Pingping

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Luxurious House of Robert Mugabe in Harare

    This Luxurious House was belong to Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, this mansion was located in Harare. this might be one of the most luxurious house in Africa. at the first sight people will think that the one who own this luxurious house should be an American billionaire, or even a prince of Saudi. but this luxurious mansion was belong to Zimbabwe president. Robert Mugabe.

    How could Robert Mugabe live on this luxurious house while his people starve, and die because of no medical help.... and we are asked to help his people over and over again he and his family live like this??

    Here's the Picture of Robert Mugabe Luxurious Mansion in Harare.

    We got this content from a forwarded email on our inbox mail.

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Luxurious House of Robert Mugabe in Harare

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Amazing Stunt of Li Dasheng Pull a Car with Eyelids

    This Chinese Stuntman do the most extreme stunts by pulling a 1.5 tons car with his own eyelid. how come li dasheing pull those car by his eyelids?? Li Dasheng is known as one of the greatest Chinese performers. He's amazing stunt by pulling a car with his eyelids really amaze me.

    Known as the “Prince of Stunts” , 22-year-old Li Dasheng is famous for being able to perform over 30 kinds of Qigong, an ancient Chinese meditation art, as well as several other stunts. On April 16, he shocked the audience, outside the Boying Art Museum, in Xuzhou, China, when he pulled a vehicle, with his eyelids.

    The Chinese performer put 2 curved hooks, onto his lower eyelids, and attached them to the frame of the 1.5-ton-heavy car. He managed to pull the vehicle nearly three meters.

    Some of Li Dasheng’s previous include having a drilling machine drill into his temple and ripping apart a metal basin, with his bare hands. well there's so many great stunt performed by a chinese people such as the stunt performed by Xiao Qinglian.

    Here's another picture of Li Dasheng the owner of the World Strongest Eyelids.

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Amazing Stunt of Li Dasheng Pull a Car with Eyelids

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Bloody Fountain in Bucharest

    This Bloody Red Water Fountain was located in Bucharest Romania, this colored water fountain was make due to the increasing hemophilia case in that country. Hemophilia is a serious condition,and over 2,000 Romanians suffer from it. To draw some attention to the hardships the 2,000 Romanians suffering from this disease, have to go through every day, the Romanian Association for the Problems of Hemophilia colored the water fountains, in the center of Bucharest, bloody red.

    Passers-by did in fact notice the red water flowing in the fountains, but it’s going to take a lot more than this to inspire them to help hemophilia victims.

    Here's the Bloody Red Water Fountain for Hemophilia Victims in Bucharest Romania.

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Bloody Fountain in Bucharest

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Sassy Thomas Supersized Internet Models

    Eating anything you want and getting paid for it seems like a fantasy, but for Sassy Thomas, a supersized internet model, it’s just everyday life. Sassy Thomas was a supersized internet models that gather her success because of her fat body, you know that she could make about $3000 just for eat anything that she want to eat. well i wonder if Sassy Thomas could be a great contender for Donna Simpson the Fattest Woman in the planet.

    30-year-old Sassy Thomas has had trouble with her weight, ever since she can remember. her parents put her on a diet, wen she was only 10-years old, but after countless diets and nutritionist consults, the poor girl still weighed a lot more than most kids her age. School, and pretty much life in general, were a nightmare for the young Brit, from Tottenham, North London. In everyone’s eyes, she was the fat kid, and that’s never easy.

    At 18, Sassy left school, and got a job as a security guard. She would spend her shift reading glamor magazines and thinking celebrity life-style was out of her reach. But one day, after a simple Google search, she discovered the wonderful world of Big Beautiful Women (BBW). She signed up on a forum, with a picture, and within minutes, received 20 emails from men who wanted to see more of her. It was the start of the life she always dreamed of.

    After contacting a fellow BBW, Sassy Thomas learned there are men out there (known as fat admirers) wiling to pay big money to see her stuff her face and rub her 63-inch belly. She set up a website, bought some fat food and started filming herself eating it. After only one session, Sassy had already become a star, and fat admirers couldn’t get enough of her. She began charging between $8 and $60 for photos and videos of her eating away at super-sized portions of food, and is now making up to $3,000 a month, as an internet model.

    Sassy gave up her $20,000 a month job, as a security guard and is now enjoying the high life as a super-sized model, that everyone wants to see eat. Admit it, you’d hit that piece of…chocolate cake, in her hand. it's really the great way to enjoy your life sassy. Is there any other interesting job than to be a paid to eat models?? there's so many man would pay Sassy for her eating photo.

    Via : The Sun

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Sassy Thomas Supersized Internet Models

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Find High Quality Jeep Accessories

    Nowadays almost every car owners do a modification to their lovely vehicle, several years ago people only do a modification for a sedan type car to look like an expensive sports car but nowadays not only a sedan type owner that can do a modification but now you can make a unique modification for your jeeps.

    There's so many Jeep accessories that you can install on your lovely jeep to make a unique modification, you can show your jeep true identity by adding a new jeep accessories. but where to find the high quality Jeep accessories?? don't worry about that anymore. now you can find your needed accessories for your jeep on carid dot com. on their site you can find a wide variety of jeep accessories starting from a grill, grill guard, a headlights and many more.

    You can search the high quality accessories based on your vehicle type. let's say if you own a Chevrolet jeeps. you can search what accessories that suitable for your chevy. after you choose what part do you need for your chevy then the next step is choose the accessories manufacturer and select your vehicle years to find the most appropriate jeep accessories.

    How about the price?? on carid dot com you will get the high class jeep accessories with an affordable price. carid dot com also give a guarantee for having the lowest price of the High Quality Jeep Accessories, for example is the lambo doors for your chevy. you can get the Chevrolet S10 - Lambo Vertical Doors for only $1.095 on carid. where on the other place it was sold for $ 1,368.75. it's a proof that carid has the lowest price for a high quality jeep accessories.

    So what are you waiting for? if you really need a classy high quality accessories for your jeep you can visit carid dot com and search your needed accessories for your jeep and then you can define your jeep true identity.

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Find High Quality Jeep Accessories

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Chinese Cat Love to Read

    As we know cat is one of the cutest pet in the world, cat is surely a cute animal that can make all people happy. have you ever seen a cat that love to read a book? this Chinese cat has a weird hobby, this feline love to read a book such as human!

    These purring fur ball has become an internet sensation, in China, after its owner took some pictures of her, reading a book. The cat seemed to be drawn to that pile of books, always trying to get a sneak peak, when her master was reading. Noticing her peculiar behavior, the man took a camera and immortalized the cat’s reading activity.

    As you can see, the feline seems focused on reading every Chinese character, but that made her little brain very tired. After every reading session, the cat needed a good nap, to recover, and get back to her book.

    Here's another picture of the Unique Chinese Cat who love to read a book. oh yeah don't forget to check about another cute cat on Funny Cat Costumes

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Chinese Cat Love to Read

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