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Chinesse Woman Play Rope Skipping Games with a High Heels

    Have you ever played a rope skipping games?? well that was one of the most famous games when i was a child. usually when we play those game we don't use any shoes or sandals but this Chinese woman do this rope skipping games with a high heels!!

    Dozens of Chinese women wearing high-heels shoes participated in the sports game, including teenage girls and middle-aged women. The game included several traditional events, such as rope skipping and kicking shuttlecock.

    Chinese women compete in the rope skipping event of a high heels sports game in Nanjing city..

    well how can they keep their balance in these high heels??

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Chinesse Woman Play Rope Skipping Games with a High Heels

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emisora de radios dominicanas

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emisora de radios dominicanas

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Entrevista a Figueroa Agosto en La Z 101

    Entrevista a Figueroa Agosto en La Z 101

    AUDIO: Escuchar la entrevista a José Figueroa Agosto en La Z 101 (Gobierno de la Mañana)
    En exclusiva el Sr. José Figueroa Agosto habla en exclusiva para el Gobierno de la Mañana. Z 101.


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Entrevista a Figueroa Agosto en La Z 101

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Bizarre Boxing Match | Boxing above the Ice

    Well this might the most bizarre boxing match I've ever seen this far. the boxer have to handle the cold weather while they fight each other. hmm such as extreme sports.

    Wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and sneakers, a group of winter swimmers entertained passers-by during a series of boxing matches performed on a block of floating ice. Held in Harbin City, the wacky competition had contestants punch each other with over sized boxing gloves while struggling to keep their balance on the slippery ice.

    One of the ice boxers lost his temper when the referee tried to stop him from hitting his downed opponent and knocked the “official” in the ice-cold water surrounding the ring.

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Bizarre Boxing Match | Boxing above the Ice

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Longest eyelashes Record | Woman with the Longest Eyelashes in the World

    Well this woman might be held the record as the woman with the longest eyelashes in the world today.

    Unfortunately i didn't get the information about this girls. but i thinks this girls could held the guiness world of records for her long eyelashes. Scalp Mvhayy the head grows eyelids. Eyelid eyes against sunlight, dust and moisture, protects.Chinese girl in this picture you can see the effects of the drug suffered wrong side growth is too eyelashes.However, the procedure used to review spending and Guinness now Rkvrdar books in this field

    Wonder how she is going to see this beautiful world with that long eyelashes. Er, girl, do you comb it everyday? Be careful not to hurt your eyes and oh, tie it with a ribbon…it will look pretty nice.

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Longest eyelashes Record | Woman with the Longest Eyelashes in the World

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How to keep your business protected

    If you don't work for a company with more than 200 people in it, your business might be considered small. Yes, standards have changed and now we are facing the truth that is called - big business world - the world where people run big companies and make big money. If you are the owner of a big business you can consider yourself a gambler, as you constantly risk something. I can either bring you a jackpot or ruin you completely. But that is what most gamblers love - they love the risk. It is easier with small companies. Here the small amount of risk is involved. As you practically only have yourself to take care of, an insurance is just a necessary thing. That is why you become obsessed with the idea of finding an insurance that would match your criteria and won't hit your pocket with a big stick.

    So what are the main features of the coverage that you have to think about - that is overall liability, property insurance and of course, employee reward. Employee reward insurance is the sort of insurance that gives financial compensation to the workers who are physically hurt, handicapped due to the circumstanced that took place at work. This type of coverage is regulated by the government most of the time.

    Property coverage includes losses of assets caused by some disasters and misfortunes, accidents or theft. The insurance will replace your equipments, furniture and inventory, and in some cases can even start reparation works of the whole building if that is inevitable. It can actually work both ways - you can receive monetary compensation and replace everything yourself or accept the reparation work. But it is uncertain how to act so that it is the best, as most of the time everything depends on the money available to you. But we have to confess that the insurance companies do not replace everything taking into consideration the face value of the goods. It can happen so that the money they will give you won't be enough no matter how hard you try to find the thing you need. In such case, extra expenses can't be escaped.

    When it comes to general liability we have to assure you that the small business insurance will be totally by your side covering all the damages you have to deal with but also fees and payments that you are due to pay legally. A court case is never cheap event, so even in case you win one you will have put thousands of dollars, spending money on a good lawyer. With a policy like this all your lawyer expenses will be paid for, as well as court costs, fees to witnesses, and decrease in income while the situation takes place.

    Small business insurance can be a beneficial investment. Being a small entrepreneur you ought to think about tomorrow. And your tomorrow has to be protected. This world accepts people that are daring but smart. Don't think that people that go for insurances are insecure. They are secure and clever because they pay and let the worries disappear. Small business insurance is the key to a care-free existence for businessmen that need a guarantee. And this guarantee is guaranteed to be good.

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How to keep your business protected

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la realidad de la industria musical

    Según una información elaborada por The Times Online, la realidad de la industria musical no es como nos la estaban pintando: a pesar de las descargas ilegales, los artistas ganan cada vez más dinero.
    Los datos recogidos entre 2004 y 2008 son muy reveladores y estiman que, durante el año que viene, los ingresos obtenidos por los artistas a través de la música en directo podrían superar el total de la facturación de las discográficas en concepto de venta de discos.

    El informe pone en evidencia dos temas: que el crecimiento de los ingresos por conciertos no muestra señales de debilidad y que el directo es, sin duda, el negocio más lucrativo para los artistas. El motivo es que el porcentaje del importe de la entrada que acaba en el bolsillo del artista es muy alto, según la estimación realizada por el equipo de The Times Online.

    Otra cuestión llamativa que muestra el reportaje es que los ingresos acumulados por los artistas han crecido en los últimos cinco años, a pesar del desplome de la industria discográfica. La edición digital del diario inglés atribuye este aumento a la venta de entradas en los conciertos y al pago de royalties, que "supone una partida en los ingresos de la industria mucho más grande de lo que la gente cree", afirman. quick divorce

    Además, la publicación hace hincapié en la influencia que ejercen las descargas ilegales en la industria musical. Señala que, a pesar de que la British Phonographic Industry (que representa a las discográficas en Reino Unido) denuncia año tras año el problema que suponen las descargas ilegales, quizá debería corregir su discurso e indicar que lo único que se ha resentido en este tiempo es el sector discográfico.

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la realidad de la industria musical

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Lo que la industria musical no quiere que sepas

    ​La grandes perjudicados por las descargas ilegales no son los artistas, sino las discográficas. Según una información elaborada por The Times Online, la realidad de la industria musical no es como nos la estaban pintando: a pesar de las descargas ilegales, los artistas ganan cada vez más dinero.
    Los datos recogidos entre 2004 y 2008 son muy reveladores y estiman que, durante el año que viene, los ingresos obtenidos por los artistas a través de la música en directo podrían superar el total de la facturación de las discográficas en concepto de venta de discos.

    El informe pone en evidencia dos temas: que el crecimiento de los ingresos por conciertos no muestra señales de debilidad y que el directo es, sin duda, el negocio más lucrativo para los artistas. El motivo es que el porcentaje del importe de la entrada que acaba en el bolsillo del artista es muy alto, según la estimación realizada por el equipo de The Times Online.

    Otra cuestión llamativa que muestra el reportaje es que los ingresos acumulados por los artistas han crecido en los últimos cinco años, a pesar del desplome de la industria discográfica. La edición digital del diario inglés atribuye este aumento a la venta de entradas en los conciertos y al pago de royalties, que "supone una partida en los ingresos de la industria mucho más grande de lo que la gente cree", afirman. quick divorce

    Además, la publicación hace hincapié en la influencia que ejercen las descargas ilegales en la industria musical. Señala que, a pesar de que la British Phonographic Industry (que representa a las discográficas en Reino Unido) denuncia año tras año el problema que suponen las descargas ilegales, quizá debería corregir su discurso e indicar que lo único que se ha resentido en este tiempo es el sector discográfico.

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Lo que la industria musical no quiere que sepas

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Los tiempos están cambiando

    Tras muchos, muchísimos telediarios repitiendo mentiras, falacias y estupideces de todo tipo sobre este tema, finalmente una televisión, Antena 3, ha recogido en su informativo del fin de semana una noticia bien dada acerca de las descargas musicales, haciéndose eco del estudio de The Times que demuestra que las descargas de música no perjudican a los artistas, sino que les llevan a ganar más dinero. El estudio, que ya hemos comentado anteriormente, viene a demostrar que los verdaderos perjudicados son los intermediarios de la industria, que simplemente, han sido desintermediados, a pesar de sus esfuerzos por seguir reteniendo valor a cambio de no crearlo.

    “(…) Si la tendencia continúa, el próximo año será el primero en el que los músicos recauden más por sus directos que por sus álbumes (…)”

    Demoledor. La noticia de The Times fue cubierta anteriormente por La Información, con el título “Lo que la industria musical no quiere que sepas“. Su emisión en un informativo en televisión nacional es un hito importante para la adecuada comprensión y difusión del tema: no hablamos de pobrecitos artistas empobrecidos por las descargas, sino de empresas que pretenden mantener intactos sus márgenes comerciales a pesar de que muchas de las actividades con las que los justificaban ya no tienen sentido ninguno. Empresas que consciente y premeditadamente dificultan el progreso de modelos de distribución alternativos imponiendo precios absurdos que impiden su rentabilidad, y convirtiéndose en el verdadero origen del problema. La excusa de “defender la cultura” se rompe: persiguiendo las descargas no se defiende la cultura ni a los creadores, se defienden las actividades de una serie de intermediarios acostumbrados a controlar férreamente la totalidad de la cadena de valor, e incapaces de adaptarse a un mundo digital.

    fuente el blog de enrique

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Los tiempos están cambiando

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Oscar the Luckest Dog in the World

    Well several days ago we give you a giant George which is known as the world tallest dog. how about if we give you another amazing dog?? now we will give you an information about the Luckiest Dog in the World. this dog named Oscar. look at oscar photo below. you will know why this dog known as the luckiest dog in the world.

    This year he and his master traveled across 5 continents and 29 countries.

    Five years ago, Joanne Lefson found Oscar in a South-African kennel and took him in. In May of this year, Joanne sold her house and went on a trip around the world, accompanied, of course, by her beloved pooch. Their incredible journey was meant to inspire people everywhere to take stray dogs of the streets and offer them a home.

    Oscar was really lucky to have a picture in the world most popular place such as tajmahal in India, Hollywood, Egypt, Liberty Statue in New York, Great Wall in China and several great place. wow i envy oscar so much. i wonder when i got the opportunity to visit all these place.

    Here are some amazing photos of Oscar taken in some of the most amazing locations in the world. Oh, and check out the full of list of countries he visited, at the bottom.

    Via : Oddity Central

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Oscar the Luckest Dog in the World

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World Tallest Dog Ever | 7ft Giant George the tallest dog in the World

    Do you know giant George?? or have you heard about him before? Giant George now was known as the new world tallest dog. several months ago crazy world also talk about the world biggest dog ever. which shows several picture of the world biggest dog. But now i found the new records of the world tallest dog. i was shocked at the first time i saw this giant George. look at the image in the left and i think you'll understand

    Standing at nearly 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and weighing a staggering 245lbs could this be the world's new tallest dog?

    The gentle giant, who measures 7ft 3ins from nose to tail, could be a prime contender to take the title from the former record holder, Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane who passed away from cancer last August.

    Now George's owners, David and Christine Nasser, are awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records to see if he has achieved the lofty heights.

    'He's 42.625 inches at the shoulder,' said David. 'He's very very unique.'

    According to David, George consumes 110lbs of food every month, and sleeps alone in his own Queen Size Bed.

    David and Christine raised George from when he was 7 weeks old, but never expected him to grow so big.

    Pictured here in the parks of Tuscon, Arizona, George, a four-year-old blue great dane, looks more like a miniature horse than a dog.

    Paws for thought: George's giant feet dwarf his owner Dave Nassar's hand. Last August the worldís tallest dog, Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane, passed away from cancer

    With size comes problems: The giant great dane barely fits in the back of his owner's SUV

    Magnificent: George measures more than 7ft from nose to tail and tucks away 110lbs of food every month

    Giant George' and owner Dave Nasser share a couch together: The four-year-old blue great dane, weighs a staggering 245lbs and measures almost 43ins at the shoulder

    The couple eventually had to move their aptly named dog out of their king sized bed, when he grew too large for the three of them to share the same sheets.

    Dr. William Wallace of the Buena Pet Clinic in Tucson, who witnessed the documentation necessary for the Guinness record, said: 'In my 45 years of experience working with giant breed dogs, without question, George is the tallest dog I have ever seen.'

    David is currently rushing to get that necessary documentation into Guinness as other dog owners are coming forth claiming the record.

    As they wait for the results to come through, George is busy occupying himself with his new found stardom and even has a Facebook fan page and Twitter accounts for his adorning fans.

    It appears as though the sky's the limit for this mammoth hound.

    Source : Unbelievable Stuff

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World Tallest Dog Ever | 7ft Giant George the tallest dog in the World

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Venexx The Perfume Watch

    Want always appeared whenever and wherever the fragrance? Maybe at the hands of this Venexx can help Perfume Venexx Watch is a watch for men or women who also have a place to store the liquid perfume in it. When you feel are not fragrant, live press the button and the “abrakadabra”, you will smell well again.

    Watch Perfume Venexx sold for U.S. $ 150 and in the purchase package includes a pipette to “inject” the perfume into this watch.

    Venexx Perfume Watch has been on the market since 2004 and for all these years people who are in the know have regarded it as a remarkable trinket to be preferred to perfumed cream rings. It’s a useful and colorful accessory coming in a variance of colors that sprays out so you don’t get perfume on your fingers.

    The waterproof case is stainless steel – not guaranteed beyond, along with the leather band and a 39-mm scratch-resistant mineral crystal that is high quality and well see what they have on you. The spray is controlled by turning the bezel.

    Never run out of perfume with the included filler Venexx Oriental-Woody fragrance. The smells of Women offer a choice of passion fruit, raspberry or apricot on top, white freesia, jasmine flower bamboo for average, the basis of what gives you the option of sandalwood, amber, cedar, musk , patchouli, praline or Tonka. The replacement will not be coming until you have used it 60 times. You, as can easily fill the small tank in the back with a fragrance you want more.

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Venexx The Perfume Watch

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Angry Monkey Attack the Owner

    Usually a monkey that used in a street monkey show was a tamed monkey, this monkey show was a a common show in Indonesia, china, japan, Vietnam and Thailand. usually they used a long tailed monkey. they use the monkey for the entertainment purpose only. but sometimes people use this monkey to earn some bucks.

    Usually on a street performance they told the monkey to walk around, jump over, play a mini game and many more. usually when the monkey do the attraction several people accompanied with a music.

    This monkey is tamed but during one of the street performances she got angry against its owner and began to throw at him for real. And the spectators present during the performance thought it was the script and were really amused.

    The last photo is the best, it is ‘a mortal blow’

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Angry Monkey Attack the Owner

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How to Kill Time in Airports | Funny Pics of the Delay Flight

    Many of us for different reasons have spent a lot of time in airports waiting for the flight. but unfortunately sometimes the flight delay was make us like a beggar in the airport. and we have to spend more time in airport. there's many things that we can do to kill the time in the airport such as go to the nearby shopping mall, or go to the coffee shop.

    And what is the best way to kill time? To sleep, of course ;) And a place or a pose you’re sleeping in doesn’t matter anymore, especially when you are very sleepy.
    It looks very funny from the side.

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How to Kill Time in Airports | Funny Pics of the Delay Flight

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