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Horror Version of Famous Fairy Tale

    I'm sure that all of you was familiar with Cinderella characters since Cinderella fairy tale is one of the famous fairy tale all over the world. on the fairy tale it was told that cinderella is a beautiful girls who work as a maid for her step mother.The moral of the story is that beauty is a treasure, but graciousness is priceless. Without it nothing is possible; with it, one can do anything.

    One day the Prince invited all the young ladies in the land to a ball so he could choose a wife. As the two Stepsisters were invited, they gleefully planned their wardrobes. Although Cinderella assisted them and dreamed of going to the dance, they taunted her by saying a maid could never attend a ball.

    As the sisters swept away to the ball, Cinderella cried in despair. Her Fairy Godmother magically appeared and vowed to assist Cinderella in attending the ball. She turned a pumpkin into a coach, mice into horses, a rat into a coachman, and lizards into footmen. She then turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown, complete with a delicate pair of glass slippers. The Godmother told her to enjoy the ball, but return before midnight for the spells would be broken.

    OK now how if the beauty of cinderella was paint in horror?? all the image below was the horror version of a world famous fairy tale character such as mulan, snow white, princess jasmine and several other famous fairy tale character.

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Horror Version of Famous Fairy Tale

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    Móviles. Este servicio está disponible a través de varios modelos de teléfonos móviles Nokia y Blackberry de Claro.

    Santo Domingo.- Esta es la generación del “ahora”, define Geward Terrero, gerente de Mercadeo de Claro. Las redes sociales han ido redefiniendo las estrategias de comunicación interpersonal, y en este sentido las últimas tecnologías móviles han ayudado a esto.

    En efecto, la principal ventaja de los “smartphones”, señala, está en que ahora uno puede “llevarse a los amigos en el bolsillo”.

    ¿Y cómo así? Sencillo, el ambiente de “siempre conectado” o conexión permanente a Internet permite una interacción constante con los amigos de Facebook, Twitter o cualquier otra red social, aparte de los tradicionales servicios de mensajería como MSN o Gtalk.

    “Si alguien tiene una duda respecto a, por ejemplo, una camiseta que se quiera comprar, sólo tiene que tomar una fotografía y subirla a facebook y preguntar por las opiniones de sus amigos”, señala.

    No hay que dar muchas vueltas para estar de acuerdo en que la telefonía celular ha ido dejando, cada vez, de ser un lujo y convertirse en una necesidad.

    Que el “aparatito” que antes se nos volvía molestoso y pesado ahora se ha ido adaptando a la parte final de nuestras extremidades superiores y nos acompaña en todo momento... ¡ay del día en que se nos quede, se nos pierda o se convierta en presa de los amigos de lo ajeno!

    Las tendencias tecnológicas van precisamente en este ritmo, y los avances dentro de la telefonía celular van orientados principalmente a “ventajas” para los usuarios finales.

    La principal está vinculada con el entretenimiento. Por eso no es extraño que ya sea posible, además de descargar videos y películas, escuchar música y navegar en Internet (además de estar siempre en línea), ver televisión a través del celular.

    Desde octubre pasado, está disponible un servicio para usuarios de Claro, consistente en señal de televsión directo desde el celular.

    Ideas TV es un servicio basado en la web que permitirá a los usuarios autoprogramarlo en sus equipos a través de una simple interacción en Internet y acoger la modalidad de pago de servicio que prefieran, un monto de 75 pesos por uso diario o un monto fijo mensual de 495.

    El servicio podrá ser programado en equipos móviles que soporten esta aplicación, en los equipos BlackBerry Bold y más recientemtente el Bold 9700 (conocido como Onyx) y los Nokia E71, 6120 y N95.

    ¿Cómo funciona? Terrero explica que el sistema está soportado a través de la plataforma 3G de la telefónica, a través del cual se hace un streaming de los canales internacionales y la transmisión en vivo de los locales, que actualmente son tres: Cadena de Noticias, Antena Latina y Color Visión.

    Estos se suman a los 10 canales internacionales para todo tipo de público.

    El GoGear Muse, capaz de reproducir video a 720p, pantalla de 3.2¥ tecnología de sonido FullSound que analiza el audio y mejora su calidad. Es la X90, de 12.1 megapíxeles, con una óptica de 26mm y un zoom de 26x. Cuenta también con pantalla LCD de 2.7 pulgadas, 9 puntos de enfoque. El pendrive DataTraveler 310 tiene un software de seguridad en que se protege más del 90% del espacio. Geward explica que el programa Ideas TV tiene distintas modalidades de servicio, desde un día hasta 1 mes, y en ambos casos el uso no tiene límite de tiempo, “salvo el que le otorgue la batería del equipo”, agrega. quick divorce

    Esta plataforma funciona en los lugares donde haya cobertura de 3G de Claro, y la ventaja en este caso, sostiene, es que la telefónica cuenta con un amplio porcentaje de alcance nacional.

    Ideas TV puede descargarse desde la plataforma WAP de esta compañía, o en el portal ideasclaro.com.do, lo cual es al mismo tiempo una ventaja para los usuarios porque no necesitan llamar a un número ni visitar una oficina para activarlo, simplemente descargar la aplicación de este servicio una sola vez y de ahí contratar la modalidad de servicio necesaria.

    La disponibilidad de televisión en el celular, en palabras del ejecutivo, es una ventaja para los casos de familias que tengan que asumir viajes largos, porque “si los niños se aburren nada más tienes que prestarles el móvil para colocarles cualquiera de los canales, como Nickelodeon, y que se entretengan”.

    Listin Diario

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El cremoso sabor de la chantillí

    Un toque de licor no le cae mal, como tampoco agregar mandarina, naranja y frutilla.

    Santo Domingo.- En la cocina hasta las recetas más sencillas tienen historias interesantes y logran cautivar a las personas de los paladares más exigentes. La crema chantillí está en este renglón. De fácil preparación, un sabor exquisito, un aroma de rosa y, como si fuera poco, una imagen que abre el apetito, es capaz de engalanar la mesa más pomposa.

    Una de las historias que habla de esta crema da cuenta de que esta receta nació como resultado de una catástrofe culinaria, ya que al momento de servir el postre éste no era suficiente para la cantidad de comensales y a un cocinero se le ocurrió batir la propuesta que tenían para después de la cena, hasta que doblegó su volumen y así pudo satisfacer y servir a todos los que se encontraban ese día en la gran cena.

    Ésta habla del gran cocinero Francoise Vatel, que en ese mundo barroco brillaba con luz propia, ideando platos que eran el hablar de todos, y no fue hasta 1660 cuando éste había creado una crema para agasajar al rey en un castillo en las afueras de París.

    WWW.DOMINICANFLASH.COM En años posteriores ya al servicio del conde, instalado en Chantilly, es donde esta receta llega a su máxima expresión y logra adquirir el nombre de ese terruño.

    Lo que el gran Vatel no sabía era que esta receta, tal vez una de las más sencillas creadas por él, iba a tener este impacto y no fue hasta 1971, luego de tres días de cenas y banquetes en el castillo de Chantilly de Louis XIV, cuando se produjo el hablar sobre la crema de todos los comensales que involucraban hasta su corte.

    Receta Crema chantillí

    1/2 litro de crema de leche muy helada 50 gramos de azúcar 1/2 vaina de vainilla.

    Agregue un toque de licor (cointreau), y ponga mandarina y naranja. De ser natural, agregue frutillas rojas fresas, blue berry, moras y rocíe al final un toque de licor de casis.

    Desde el 2003 es el chef de Brasserie “Pat'e Palo”. Tiene larga trayectoria en gastronomía


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El cremoso sabor de la chantillí

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Real Lizardman From India - Navratan Harsh | Indian Lizardman

    Well several days ago we talk about kumar paswan who is known as the indian boy with seven limbs. now we got another bizarre man from India. he is Navratan Harsh, this teenagers from india was called as the real lizard man. uurgh it's really disgusting when i see a lizard on his face. how can Navratan stand out of those disgusting lizard??

    Meet Navratan Harsh, a 21-year-old from Bikaner, Rajasthan state, India, with a bizarre passion for animals, especially Geko lizards.

    Navrathan has been fascinated by lizards, ever since he was a young boy and one fell in his lap, at school. Ever since then, he has spent most of his days feeding and playing with his scaly friends, and even letting them crawl on his face. Around his village, Navratan Harsh is known as Gecko King and Mowgli, because of his close connection with wildlife.

    Unlike other boys his age, who spend most of their time partying and getting drunk, Navratan searches for lizards, plays and trains them, and them lets them go free. He says he feels no pain or fear when lizards bite his face…Creepy stuff!

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Real Lizardman From India - Navratan Harsh | Indian Lizardman

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Insurance companies are hiking the rates for auto insurance

    2009 turns into 2010, the winter ice and snow has been particularly hard this year. It even affected Florida which shows how climate change is related to local weather patterns. Needless to say, the number of traffic accidents has been at an all-time high. No-one is ever ready for ice on the roads. Yet, all round the country, ice is coming through the mail boxes. The insurance companies are sending out notices chilling our desire to drive - premium rates are being hiked. And this time, it's not just a few percent. In most states, it's averaging at around 10%. So we are not talking peanuts. This is serious money while the US is in recession and millions of people are out of work. What's the result? If it comes down to a choice between food on the table and an insurance policy, food wins every time. Everyone has to eat and everyone needs a vehicle - even in the bigger cities, public transport is a joke. So, when push comes to shove, more people will drive uninsured. That's bad news for the rest of us. Our premiums will rise with fewer policy holders sharing the rising costs of claims. If only the insurers would hold the premiums steady, more people could pay, and rates would stay lower for longer. If only. . .

    So why are insurance companies hiking the rates? There are two common problems. The first is the broken healthcare service. Whenever there's a more serious traffic accident, most people go to hospital. The obvious injuries are treated. Bodies are examined to ensure there are no other injuries. Except, the moment anyone steps through the door of a hospital or clinic, the medical expenses meter starts to run. Despite the recession, the drugs industry and healthcare service suppliers have been increasing their prices. There have been some high-profile disputes between insurers and hospital groups in California and Connecticut. The current fight is between the Continuum Health Partners of New York and United Healthcare. The hospitals have agreed pay increases with the labor unions, new technology is expensive to instal and operate. They want more money. The insurer is looking for a reduction in charges of between 7 and 10%. It's painful to admit but, in this fight, the insurers are actually protecting us policy holders.

    The second problem is equally easy to explain. When we claim, the insurer should have the money to pay. This money comes from cash reserves and all the different state Insurance Departments monitor the amounts held to ensure there's always sufficient set aside. It's standard for insurers to hold this money on investment so, when the recession came, they were slow to move out of stocks and bonds, and all the larger insurers lost a slice of their capital. Commissioners are offering their local insurers a choice. Either reduce the number of people holding policies or add more to your cash reserves. This forces companies to raise premiums and so, sadly, it's getting more difficult to find affordable auto insurance. Even with the use of this site's excellent search engine, it's hard to find policies with lower rates. When you get the multiple auto insurance quotes, check through to find those with lower premiums. For good terms, look at the discounts available from these companies. Think about accepting a higher deductible. Using the auto insurance quotes as a starting point, negotiate directly with the insurers. Affordable policies are out there. You just have to work harder to find them.

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Insurance companies are hiking the rates for auto insurance

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Uribes le dice a chavez que sea Varon.....

    http://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/politica/IMAGEN/IMAGEN-7297110-2.jpgSea varón y quédese a discutir de frente', le dijo Uribe a Chávez
    Etiquetas: 'Sea varón y quédese a discutir de frente', le dijo Uribe a Chávez |

    Los dos mandatarios discutieron durante la hora del almuerzo. El altercado se presentó tras la denuncia del presidente colombiano de un supuesto embargo comercial por parte de Venezuela a Colombia.
    Al parecer, en una cita que no estaba programada y frente a algunos otros mandatarios, el presidente Uribe le hizo el reclamo a Chávez por el tema comercial, a lo que el presidente venezolano le devolvió la acusación de que desde Colombia lo quieren asesinar. Luego Chávez amenazó con irse. Ante esta acción el presidente Uribe le respondió: "Sea varón y quédese a discutir de frente".
    Testigos del incidente Chávez-Uribe le contaron a EL TIEMPO cómo el hecho se produjo inmediatamente después del almuerzo de los mandatarios asistentes a la Cumbre de Río. Para ese momento los jefes de Estado fueron trasladados a otro salón en lo que llamaron un "retiro", es decir una reunión sin cámaras de video, fotográficas o grabadoras de audio
    Entre otros, estaban los presidentes de Brasil, Luis Inicio Lula; de República Dominicana, Leonel Fernández; de Ecuador, Rafael Correa; de Cuba, Raúl Castro; el presidente del BID, Luis Alberto Moreno, y por supuesto, Hugo Chávez.
    Uribe, aseguran testigos, quiso reclamarle a Chávez por el incumplimiento de compromisos comerciales adquiridos por parte de Venezuela, en lo que fue interpretado como un embargo comercial.
    Fuentes de la delegación venezolana confirmaron a Efe que entre ambos presidentes se produjo "una discusión acalorada" cuando Uribe comparó el bloqueo de Estados Unidos sobre Cuba con el trato comercial dispensado por Venezuela a empresas colombianas.
    Ante los reclamos de su homólogo colombiano, Chavez explicó que el comercio entre ambas naciones se ha multiplicado por ocho desde su llegada al poder en 1999 cuando los intercambios ascendieron a 1.600 millones de dólares frente a los 7.900 millones de dólares de 2008.
    Además, agregan las fuentes de EL TIEMPO, le replicó a Uribe por su seguridad personal. Le dijo que su vida se ha visto amenazada desde Colombia por grupos de paramilitares e hizo referencia a 300 supuestos paramilitares detenidos en Venezuela.
    Uribe le ripostó haciendo claridad respecto a que una amenaza de ese calado nunca ha ocurrido, ni por parte de su Gobierno ni de los organismos de seguridad colombianos. "Eso es muy grave", exclamó Uribe.
    Es entonces cuando Chávez anunció su intención de retirarse, a lo cual el presidente colombiano soltó su frase de: "sea varón y quédese a discutir de frente".
    Pero no paró ahí. Lo increpó diciéndole que "¡a veces usted insulta en la distancia, pero cuando está cara a cara no hablamos!".http://www.tribunahispanausa.com/fotos/9181_ChavezUribe.jpg
    "Vete al carajo" le espetó Chavez al presidente colombiano, dijeron los asistentes.
    Otras fuentes que asistieron al almuerzo explicaron a Efe que el presidente cubano, Raúl Castro, que asiste a su primera cumbre del Grupo de Río, tuvo que mediar entre los mandatarios colombiano y venezolano para poner fin a la discusión.
    Por su parte, el secretario de prensa de la Presidencia colombiana, César Mauricio Velásquez, quick divorce dijo en declaraciones a Efe que Chávez aseguró durante el altercado que supuestamente unos 300 paramilitares colombianos estaban ingresando a Venezuela para asesinarlo, dando a entender que Uribe tenía algo que ver con ello.
    Por esta razón Uribe "le pidió respeto diciendo que el jamás haría algo así", señaló Velásquez.
    Velásquez indicó que se trató de un incidente menor, y que en la declaración final de la cumbre del Grupo de Río, que se dará a conocer este martes durante el cierre de la reunión, se aprobaron dos puntos en los que los países de la región se comprometen a "acompañar el proceso de integración y de amistad" entre Colombia y Venezuela.http://www.generaccion.com/noticias/imagenes/grandes/22_02_2010_21_17_25_2059740696.jpg
    Uribe y Chávez aceptaron doble mediación para resolver crisis con Ecuador y Venezuela
    Luego de que el presidente colombiano concluyera la reunión con el presidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa, le confirmó a la prensa que hay un acuerdo para que se conformen dos grupos de países del Grupo de Río con la misión de recomponer las relaciones Colombia­-Ecuador y Colombia-Venezuela. Constitucion de empresas en republica dominicana
    Para resolver las dificultades del eje Uribe-Chávez, se establecieron dos puntos. El primero fue el cese inmediato de cualquier declaración pública por parte de cualquiera de los presidentes y otros funcionarios, que puedan afectar las relaciones bilaterales.
    "El Gobierno de Colombia acepta el acuerdo que ha propuesto el Grupo de Río, presidido por el Presidente de México", en alusión a este grupo de amigos",dijo Uribe.
    Y Chávez por su parte, manifestó: "Yo dije estoy de acuerdo que se conforme un grupo de amigos y que recuperemos la confianza y unas relaciones transparentes unas relaciones de cooperación, eso es necesario. "Nosotros ponemos toda la buena fe en esa dirección de relajar las tensiones"

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Uribes le dice a chavez que sea Varon.....

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Making health insurance cheaper for small businesses

    Health insurance spendings account for a large part of business activity costs, and their share is especially large with small businesses and home-based enterprises. And with the continuous trends in rates increase it's getting harder and harder for small enterprises to carry this burden, causing many small businesses to drop health coverage benefits altogether.

    A recent study conducted by the Commonwealth Fund in New York has concluded that small businesses tend to pay 18% more for health insurance than their larger counterparts all across the country. That's because large enterprises have a better negotiating power due to larger numbers of workers to be insured. Having that in mind, being despaired about the thing won't help your small business much. About 60% of 46 million people in the US who have no health insurance coverage are employed by small enterprises and these numbers keep on growing. Such tendencies are no good news for small businesses, because qualified and better workers tend to pay much attention to health benefits at the enterprise and not having them lowers your chance of attracting workers who will help develop your business better.

    In order to cope with the Catch 22 situation here, you have to learn how to minimize your healthcare costs and provide your employees with the benefits they deserve. Here are some tips on how to get exactly what you need:

    1. Keep the workers healthy. Instead of fighting the consequences and paying for costly medical coverage, you can invest into your workers' health and promote different wellness programs at your business. Introduce regular screenings, check-ups and promote a healthy lifestyle by offering your employees free gym sessions or other benefits. It's much easier to prevent a disease rather than treat it.

    2. Lower the coverage. Larger coverage amounts lead to higher premiums and a logical solution for this would be lowering the coverage. You can also ask your employees to partially contribute to the premiums if they want to keep the initial coverage amounts. Of course, this would be quite unpopular among your employees but if your small business insurance plan is in question you have to consider going with such unpopular measures.

    3. Think about HSAs. Health savings accounts are gaining popularity amongst small business owners as they provide more flexibility and tax benefits than typical health insurance options. HSAs combine high-deductible health insurance plans with tax-free savings accounts, making the premiums you have to pay lower, and providing more saving options to your employees. And the fact that all withdrawals are tax-free makes it a great option for those who want to get great small business insurance health coverage without constraining the enterprise's budget.

    4. Team up with other small businesses. You can join an association or buying union who other local small businesses in order to gain better rates. Such associations provide small enterprises the bargain power of big companies because when combined, such groups have a large number of employees to be insured which eventually leads to more competitive premiums compared to going off alone. Member fees are usually quite low with such groups while the benefits are great, so think about joining one of you have in your area. This might give you good rates on other forms of small business insurance as well.

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Making health insurance cheaper for small businesses

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Kumar Paswan | India Boys with his Parasitic Twins

    This Octo Boy from india has his own twins in his wombs. well it's really weird, maybe this is the first case in the medical history of the twins in the wombs. Kumar Paswan has a difference with the other boys in his ages. Kumar Paswan has his twins inside his wombs. but unfortunately the miraculous twins that lays on Kumar's Wombs has stopped developing,

    To some in his remote Indian village he is a living version of India's multi-limbed God Lakshmi and worshipped every day as holy. To others eight-year-old Kumar Paswan is a monster, is stoned on sight and forced to hide away his astonishing medical condition. But all the tragic youngster wants is to be normal and has launched an appeal for the thousands of pounds needed for an operation to remove his parasitic twin.

    The twin stopped developing in the womb before it separated fully from Kumar and has left him with seven limbs. "When he was born the doctors said he wouldn't live long but here he is and apart from how he looks he is very healthy," said his dad Veeresh Paswan, of Bihar, eastern India. "I am tired of being different. I just want to live normally," added the youngster.

    These photos are of eight year old Kumar Paswan from a remote Indian village who has an astonishing medical condition. He was born with a parasitic twin. The twin stopped developing in the womb before it separated fully from Kumar and has left him with seven limbs. He has launched an appeal for the thousands of pounds needed for an operation to remove the parasite

    Veeresh womb Paswan limbed twin operation parasitic separated youngster seven Bihar wouldn Kumar limbs normally Indian tragic Lakshmi appeal pounds

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Kumar Paswan | India Boys with his Parasitic Twins

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Safety Products by Traffic Cones

    Have you ever pass the crowded place in the road? sometimes when we passed a crowded or even a place of accident. we can see a traffic barricade that give you a warning that the place is under construction. there's any other usage of this traffic barricade. this traffic barricade will give you a traffic control in the road.

    There's a site in the internet that provide you a collection of traffic safety equipments. it's on trafficcones dot us. this provide many products related to safety equipments for road side job or even a construction site. i think that almost every people know and understand the traffic sign given by the police. moreover if a police officer swing a warning flags that means the road that is an accident happen in that road. when road work is being done, construction workers, in high visibility gear, may be directing motorists in another direction to follow a detou

    usually cone-shaped markers that are placed on roads or footpaths to temporarily redirect traffic in a safe manner. we can find many traffic cones in the road or in the intersection. So if you want to look many safety traffic products why don't you just log on into trafficcones.us and then find your safety traffic products and choose the type of them. you can get a high quality safety traffic products in trafficcones with an affordable price,

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Safety Products by Traffic Cones

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World Biggest Hamster as a Pet

    Well, it looks like a giant hamster, but it’s actually a capybara, the largest rodent on the planet, and it makes a great pet,apparently.

    Melanie Typaldos, from Buda, Texas first came into contact with a capybara on a trip in Venezuela. Her daughter Coral fell in love with them the moment she got to pick one up and hold it in her arms. The moment they returned home, Melanie began searching for a capybara as a pet. She found 11-day-old Caplin Rous on a rare animal farm in Texas and it instantly became a member of their family.

    You’re probably wondering what the deal is about the ‘Rous’ part of this capybara’s name, and well you should. ROUS stands for Rodent Of Unusual Size, and it’s apparently pronounced ‘rose’.

    Talking about Caplin, owner Melanie Typaldos says it has the most adorable habits of waking her up in the morning. She usually makes a gentle ‘eep’ sound and gradually ‘raises’ her voice until she reaches her goal. Other times the now two-and-a-half year old capybara climbs up to her pillow and taps her on the face until she wakes up.

    He loves taking warm baths and swimming in the pool, when the weather allows it, and he accompanies the whole family on outings. He also has his own blog, a MySpace and Twitter account (with 2,900 followers). Caplin Rous is definitely the world’s most famous Capybara.

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World Biggest Hamster as a Pet

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Buy Car Accessories Online at Carid

    Car modifying is not a cheap hobby, you have to prepare much money to modify your car. for example if you have a jeep type vehicle you have to look for a stylish grills and also grill guard. you can find great jeep accessories on carid dot com. carid dot com offers you a complete accessories for your vehicle. they provide accessories for various type and models of car.

    On carid dot com you can choose what accessories that you need for your car, the best news is you can get 20% discount if you buy the car accessories on their website. what about for jeep or trucks?? don't worry carid dot com also provide it on their site.

    Now what kind of jeep accessories you want to install in your jeep?? a lambo doors?? or even a new jeep grills guard? you can get more jeep accessories that you need on carid dot com. whether it's for your jeep interior or exterior.

    After you choose your desired jeep accessories the next step is select your jeep type whether it's a wrangler type or even a commander type and then select the years of your jeep type. with this simple navigation you can get the suitable jeep accessories for your jeep.

    OK so what are you waiting for?? if you want to modify your jeep you can go to carid dot com and define your vehicle true identity.

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Buy Car Accessories Online at Carid

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Your business needs to be cared about

    Having any type of business is a huge responsibility. And sometimes it is correctly said that not everyone should be involved in business. It is important to stay wise and keep your eye on everything, Safety and supervision can never be out of proportion here. But that is not everything you need to think about. There are other important details that need to be taken into consideration. You might have already heard about liability protection but you don't know what exactly that is and how to behave with it. Let us take you into the world of insurance for a moment and show you what there is for you to choose from.

    You probably wonder who it is for. More than 78% of the businesses located in the United States of America are categorized into partnership or sole proprietorship. But if you think about it this bring more pressure and risk in lives of small business owners. When you have a good insurance you can at least know that your professional part of life is highly protected. Financially it could be ruined but it will stay safe with a good insurance.

    But don't let anyone give you wrong ideas about anything. You might have heard that you will be totally protected from personal liability but in reality you can be personally liable in the following cases:

    • When you have signed a personal guarantee for a loan
    • When you cause damage to somebody
    • When your actions can be considered as illegal or do not contain any moral side

    What is the liability insurance and how to trust it?

    BLI (Business Liability Insurance) will help you when you run a small business that is threatened by a lawsuit for property damage and personal damage. What it will do for you is cover all the damages from the court together with the legal payments. You can totally trust it and it is highly recommended by small business owners as it gives the needed protection in a very short period of time.

    But of course the Business Liability Insurance can be of various types.

    There are three that we would want to tell you about - first of all there is General Liability Insurance. This is the main one as it usually covers you from injury claims, property losses and other sorts of troubles. This type of insurance is like a summarized one but if you think you need something more specific or your situation is unique you should shop around for other insurance type.

    Professional Liability Insurance is perfect for business owners that are likely to have any problems due to their business type. This coverage will sort their malpractice, errors, negligence and omissions out and will give the business owners some peace in their souls. Sometimes this insurance is even obligatory. But of course everything depends on your specialty. In some of the US states doctors are required to have this insurance.

    And then the last but not the least - Product Liability Insurance, It is when you sell or manufacture products that need protection in cases someone becomes injured or hurt while using these products. This is a very important insurance for the retailers. But if you aren't one you should get what you need.

    You can get business insurance quotes from our site and email us any questions you like. We will be ready to help. Business insurance quotes could be also found on general insurance web-pages together with the feedback from those who applied for them.

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Your business needs to be cared about

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Auto insurance for Florida drivers

    What do you know about Florida? We bet not too much unless you live there. The heat, the waves, beautiful people - that is not the only things you can find in Florida. Day to day life there is very ordinary. People have their obligations and concerns. They have problems and they want to find good solutions.

    Florida is famous for crazy drivers. They like the speed and they don't want to spend too much money caring about their insurance. But whatever you may think, there is always a change you might be the lucky one who will get a discount or a deal on the good terms.

    We are professionals in this domain so you are right to read this article as we will tell you all you have to know about Florida's auto insurance companies dealing with car deals. It would be very smart of you to shop around for your perfect deal. Before you make up your mind and those the company you will further trust and rely on you should make a list of companies that you want to get quotes from, then actually get the quotes and compare them. You need to set a number of priorities for yourself. It will be much easier for you to make up your mind when you know what each company has in store for their clients. We would also recommend you to ask the people that are already involved with some company to tell you about their experience. They will hoop you up with the latest updates and can even advice you a particular place. Just like any other costumers Nevada people like the combination of a cheap price with high quality. These combinations are not rare but they are definitely exclusive. If you find such a combination, please consider yourself to be a lucky person.

    You should be able to rely on the company if any difficulties occur. They will be the people that will represent your interests in various situations that may not be in your favor.

    Lots of things have changed around. Cheap Florida auto insurance can be found almost everywhere. It used to be different when people had to travel far away to find that only one company that would promise them something they hoped to get. Nowadays you can Google your auto insurance company and get it done within 24 hours. Isn't this amazing? It surely is.

    Accidents are not rare in Florida. You must beware of the fact that fast cars make fast accidents. You must not only be responsible for yourself on the road but for everyone that who is involved with you. It is very important so that people know that it is worth being insured. No matter how much it costs your car insurance gives you certainty and some stability as you know even if you end up in an accident somebody will take care of you.

    Insurance companies in Florida do not require too many details from you. They only need the basic information. Also they have a very good characteristic - they are willing to work with you no matter how much money you have in your pocket.

    We hope to see you on the roads in Nevada - happy and safe. These two words should always describe you while you are in your car.

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Auto insurance for Florida drivers

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Mass Wedding Record in South Korea

    What do you think if more than 5000 people held their wedding together?? is it only a dream or what?? well i can tell if this event was really happen in south korea. yesterday on 17 february about 10.000 couples held their wedding together in Goyang, Seoul, South Korea. Wow this event could be listed on the Guiness book of records for the record of mass wedding in the history.

    This Mass wedding was organized by the church in goyang seoul. well here's the picture of the world record of the mass wedding in goyang seoul south korea.. do you want to take place in this mass wedding too??

    Oh yeah don't forget to read several post about bizarre wedding in the crazy world.

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Mass Wedding Record in South Korea

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Insurance and drunk behavior

    In most states, car insurance rates are likely to go up for at least 3 years if you are convicted of drunk-driving. You will also become familiar with SR-22.

    Different states use different terms for drunk driving: driving under the influence, driving while intoxicated or operating a vehicle while intoxicated. If convicted of any such offense, your insurance rate is likely to go up before you can drive again.

    If convicted of impaired driving in any US state, your driver privileges will be suspended for between 30 days and a year.

    To get your license and privileges back, you'll need to complete an SR-22 form to prove you have liability insurance. The insurance company will notify the licensing agency if the policy is terminated for any reason.

    Premiums could multiply

    When you receive your SR-22 form, your car insurance company will automatically consider you to be a high-risk motorist and increase your premiums accordingly. If convicted, you can expect your premiums to double or triple although some companies specialize in high-risk policies.

    Not All Companies Offer SR-22 Policies

    Some insurers don't offer SR-22 policies. In such cases, if convicted of drunk-driving, your policy will be canceled or not renewed This cancellation on your claims history will count against you when you find another company that does offer SR-22. Because of this and your conviction, your rates are sure to be higher.

    It's possible that your insurance company is prohibited from canceling your policy early even if convicted of drink-driving. This is subject to state law.

    How long can you expect your rates be higher for?

    In most states, a drunk-driving conviction will affect your insurance status for at least 3 years although it does vary. The length of time increases for multiple convictions.

    Penalties can vary depending on the circumstances. If somebody was hurt as a result of your drunk-driving, a child was involved, your blood-alcohol level exceeded a certain amount or if you were under 21, your premium can be affected in certain states.

    How can increased rates be avoided?

    The only way to avoid increased auto insurance rates is to not restore your driver privileges. Some states will allow you to drive a moped without a license otherwise you are restricted to walking or public transport. If you don't own a vehicle but you do wish to restore your driving privileges, you must still buy a non-owner policy to provide a SR-22 form. This means buying insurance (even if it is cheap car insurance) for a car you don't own. It simply isn't worth drinking under the influence of alcohol. The law is designed to treat drink-driving convicts heavily and is fully supported by auto insurance companies.

    We want you to know one little thing. The insurance companies are not only there for the money. We do care about each one of you and we want you to be protected. You pay us for services you don't need now but one day, if something occurs, we will be the only people you will expect the help from. Please always stay considerate and wise. We believe you won't let us down.

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Insurance and drunk behavior

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HMOs or PPOs?

    In case you have the possibility to opt for employer-sponsored group health plan there's a really important decision to be taken. Most employers, especially big companies or small businesses within purchasing pools, offer their workers a wide range of plan types, which typically include both HMO and PPO health plans. Being the most popular of all plan types, these two have distinct features, and understanding the difference between them is really important for having adequate insurance coverage for you and your entire family. So let's take a closer look at each to have better knowledge of pros and cons they deliver.


    Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is an alliance of medical workers and facilities (doctors and hospitals) that have a contract with the insurance company for providing their services for a fixed price.

    HMOs are generally regarded as having many rules and restrictions for their users. The person having an HMO plan is required to choose a single physician who will be responsible for all your healthcare matters. The primary physician should be a member of the HMO network, which means if your current doctor doesn't make part of the association then you will have to find another one who does. In case you have to visit a specific specialist, you will first have to visit your primary doctor for a referral, otherwise you won't get the care you need.

    The definite benefit of an HMO plan is its price. It is much cheaper than any other health insurance plan type, having lower rates, premiums and typically free co-payments. This is a very attractive option, however you have to keep in mind that first of all there's not much flexibility involved with HMOs, and doctors participating in them will usually have more visitors because they have to make up the low cost of the plan by servicing more people and get profit from that.


    Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) are also contractually bound to health insurance companies, but in a less restricted and organized way, giving much more flexibility to participants and users in comparison with HMOs.

    Having a PPO plan allows you to see any doctor you wish to, however out-of-network doctors will cost you more to attend and will require more out-of-pocket spendings. PPOs also leave you without having to worry about referrals for seeing a specialist.

    From the price perspective, PPOs are more expensive than HMOs. Still many people choose PPOs because their less restrictive nature and wider selection of specialists to attend if compared to HMOs.

    You get what you pay for

    If your financial situation is not that good it would be better to choose an HMO plan, because it's cheaper and minimizes your out-of-pocket spendings. However, if you want a wider selection of doctors and facilities under your health insurance plan, then you will have to pay more for a PPO plan.

    Selecting your physician

    The established relationship between you and your family doctor also plays an important role in choosing between different plan types. If you are confident in your current doctor who has been managing your healthcare for years, and the specialist doesn't make part of the HMO network, it will be better to get PPO health coverage. In case you're not that attached to your current physician you can easily choose between PPO and HMO according to your financial situation. In either case, it is much better and wiser than having no insurance at all. So choose carefully.

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HMOs or PPOs?

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Decisions as you get older

    As you get older, the mortgage is paid off and the kids have grown up and left the nest, there's a temptation to switch off. You feel you have done all the heavy lifting. The pension will be coming soon when you retire... What's wrong with this picture? Well, the majority of people were trading in property and, when the bubble burst, they are looking at negative housing equity and the threat of foreclosure. Even those who stayed in their own homes over the years, often borrowed heavily against them. With the recession, all those investments in the retirement fund have lost their shine. Unemployment is a more real threat to middle and upper class families. Children seem to be staying in the family home for longer. And all this at a time when life expectancy is increasing. Ten years ago, people might have dropped their term life insurance policies and found themselves with more disposable income. Now the decision is more difficult.

    With the credit crunch, the pressure is on to keep paying the mortgage, reduce the outstanding household debts and put food on the table. Those of you with permanent or cash-value life insurance policies have a slightly easier path to follow. Premiums will be fixed but, if you stop paying, the policies may remain valid. The decisions are to:

    • keep paying, which builds up the investment value and protects the family by maintaining the death benefit;
    • stop paying and leave the cash value untouched;
    • withdraw or borrow some of the cash value; or
    • cancel the policy which usually involves a big tax bill.

    If a term life insurance policy is falling due for renewal, here's how the choice looks: if you renew, the premiums will be higher because, suddenly, you're older; but, if you let the policy expire, your family could be hit hard if you die unexpectedly. Many of you may have bought term life cover when you were younger. Perhaps you thought you would convert to permanent policies or simply drop the cover when your children had grown up. Now that retirement funds are shrinking, it's time to take another look at term insurance.

    Allowing for inflation, the premiums have actually been falling over the last ten years as life expectancy has been improving. Go back fifty years and only a small percentage of people lived beyond seventy. Now, many people live into their eighties and beyond. This has prompted competition among life insurance companies to attract business from older people. As long as you are physically fit, you are likely to find the rates little changed from the ten, fifteen or twenty year term policy that is due to expire. Naturally, there will be a health exam to ensure you will live a reasonable number of years before a claim arises, but the option to continue a term policy or to convert to a permanent policy are better than you might imagine. This is a good time to start talking to the life insurance companies to see what your options are.

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Decisions as you get older

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Bizarre Gator Bikes | Alligator Bikes

    Have you seen this bizarre motorcycle before?? this might be the most bizarre bike ever. this person used a dead alligator to make this gator bikes. wow how could he used the dead alligator to make this vehicle?? isn't it really scary?? well i think people only used the skin of alligator to make a handbags.. but this person use a whole dead body of alligator to make a great bikes. amazing

    Jim Jablon used the skin of a dead alligator to create one of the strangest bikes ever seen on the roads of Florida.

    Ironically enough, Jim Jablon’s ‘Gator Bike‘ was created using the skin of an alligator killed by authorities, but it’s now used to raise funds for a wildlife foundation. Alligator are constantly culled, in order to keep their numbers under control, and most of the skins end up pinned up in people’s yards. So Jim thought to put one to good use and get some exposure for his Wildlife Rehabilitation of Hernando (WROH) foundation. That’s basically how the Gator Bike was born.

    The Gator Bike took Swedish leather expert Benny Ohrman a full year to complete. The skin and tail come of the bike, but the alligator head is fixed in place and has the speedometer and the rest of the gauges in the back of the head.

    Jim Jablon decided to raise money for his foundation by organizing a raffle with the Gator Bike as the prize. A raffle ticket costs $100 and only 1,000 will be sold. The winner of the bike will be selected in May, in Fort Lauderdale.

    It’s worth mentioning the Gator Bike comes with a powerful Ultima engine, and over $86,000 to make.

    Via : Oddity Central

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Bizarre Gator Bikes | Alligator Bikes

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