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World Biggest Pearl Ever with Human Brain Shape

    This pearl was called Palawan Princess,Possibly the second largest pearl ever discovered and documented, surpassed only by the renowned 14 pound (approx 31,893.5 carats) “Pearl of Allah” (so-called because it resembled the turbaned head of Allah), the present pearl is the product of the giant clam shell Tridacna gigas found off the coastal waters of the Philippines. this pearl measuring 15.24 cm with an estimated price of GPP 250.000 or approximately $400.000.

    The natural non-nacreous pearl was found in saltwater near the Philippines' Palawan island and "bears an uncanny resemblance to a human brain," the auction house said. Both rare and immense, the gem is thought to be surpassed in size only by the 14-pound "Pearl of Allah," an approximately 14-pound, 31,893.5-carat pearl that, like the Palawan Princess, was the product of the giant clam shell Tridacna gigas and was also found off the coastal waters of the Philippines.

    The approximately 11,339-carat Palawan Princess is a blister pearl measuring six inches in diameter and accompanied by the lower half of its original giant clam shell, which shows the point of attachment where the pearl formed.

    These pearls will be sold in an auction in Los Angeles next December 6. here is the picture of those World Second Biggest Pearls "Palawan Princess"

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World Biggest Pearl Ever with Human Brain Shape

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Oarfish | World Longest Bony Fish which is almost extinct

    Have you ever seen this creature before?? this creature is oarfish which is also known as the world longest bony fish, but unfortunately their species will extinct soon. so this fish will be categorized in the most rare animal in the world.

    The common name oarfish is presumably in reference to either their highly compressed and elongated bodies, or to the former (but now discredited) belief that the fish "row" themselves through the water with their pelvic fins. The family name Regalecidae is derived from the Latin regalis, meaning "royal". The occasional beachings of oarfish after storms, and their habit of lingering at the surface when sick or dying, make oarfish a probable source of many sea serpent tales.

    Although the larger species are considered game fish and are (to a minor extent) fished commercially, oarfish are rarely caught alive; their flesh is not well regarded due to its gelatinous consistency.

    These fish are not fish in the legends as told by many people, but these fish are fish that actually exist but they are so rare to find that in saying that this is just a legend. fish relative Regalecidae Latin name, this fish came to the surface when it started dying. Oarfish also enter Guinness Book of Records as the Longest bony fish

    oarfish a deep-sea fish are almost extinct, this fish is reported to have 8 m long and the longest ever captured reaches 17 meters. So this is the picture of Oarfish | World Longest Bony Fish which is almost extinct

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Oarfish | World Longest Bony Fish which is almost extinct

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World Most Strangest and Unusual Woman Underwear

    Today, the bra has "evolved" from simple underwear into a sexual garment, in order to emphasize the sexual nature of breasts. This can be readily seen, for example, by the terminology used to advertise bras: enticing, hot, ravishing, seducing, etc. It is no wonder feminists symbolically threw their bras into the trash in the 60s. Even today, going braless is sometimes connected with feminism. Still, putting feminism aside, there are actually some health reasons for not wearing bras.

    In our previous post we also have posted about the unique bra in japan, that bra was suitable for those who want to get married. and in this opportunity we'll give you another strange and unique bra. like in the left picture. look at that underwear.. it was looks like a body armor for me.. do you think so??

    Ok here's World Most Strangest and Unusual Woman Underwear

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World Most Strangest and Unusual Woman Underwear

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World Most Expensive Watch | $5 Million Patek Philippe Calibre 89

    Antiquorum’s 35th anniversary sale that was held recently on the 14th and 15th November was one successful event. The highlight of this sale was the Patek Philippe Calibre 89 timepiece from the Matsuda Collection. The exquisite yellow gold timepiece is said to be the world’s most complicated watch and had drawn many enthusiastic bidders ever since Antiquorum announced its intention to sell this exceptional timepiece. In just a few minutes of bidding, the timepiece managed to fetch a final bid of CHF 5,120,000 ($5,053,360), setting a new world record for this watch and also the most expensive watch sold in 2009 by any auction house in the world. As expected Patek Philippe continued to be the favorite brand at the auction with other timepiece from the famous watchmaker fetching extremely strong prices.

    Some of the timepieces that were best sellers at this auction include, the Patek Philippe platinum and diamond wristwatch Ref. 3990 which fetched 312,000 CHF ($307,990), the white gold Patek Philippe ref. 5102 “Celestial” that fetched 228,000 CHF ($225,090), and the Patek Philippe Ref. 5041, a rare white gold wristwatch with perpetual calendar sold for a commendable 102,000 CHF ($100,710).

    Overall, an extremely successful sale, the Antiquorum’s anniversary sale “Celebrating 35 Years of Making History in Time” drew an impressive 12,174,948 CHF ($12,020,873) in total sales over the two days.

    Source : Antiquorum

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World Most Expensive Watch | $5 Million Patek Philippe Calibre 89

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Voxmobile The Guitar Shaped Vehicle | Perfect Vehicle for Guitar Freaks

    Voxmobile is the guitar shaped vehicle with a lot of amps. this is really interesting for those guitar players. did you know that this voxmobile was sale on ebay for $175.000?? not too expensive for a cool looking vehicle for a guitarist.

    So if you was a guitar freaks why don't you try this voxmobile?? it will help you to carry your amps when you go out with your friends. now you can play your electric guitars anywhere you want.

    Do you know if nowadays there's many car equipped with full audio feature. usually they place their car on a park and they play house music as loud as they want. so with this retro voxmobile you can do that too. with more attractive way i guess.. yeah with your guitar!!

    With retro trends and styles making a big come back, we are getting to see a lot of unique vintage goodies of the by-gone era. And one such thing that is sure to impress fans of the rock and roll era is the amazing Voxmobile which was designed and built by George Barris in 1967. The unique guitar shaped car was built as a rolling promotional piece for the VOX products; it included working amps, keyboards and guitar racks and was even slated to co-star with Jack Nicholson in the Richard Rush-helmed acid trip film Psych-Out. More images after the jump..

    The car appears to be based on a street rail, with a leading arm solid axle front and cut ford 9" rear-end. What is more, the 289 Cobra motor is expected to pump up the jam to the tune of 275 bhp, and is claimed to be good to 175 mph. A truly rocking car, it is equipped with 12 speakers including a pair of 12" primaries on the intake, and it can handle up to 32 Vox guitars through the Beatle head.

    In perfect shape, this car is now available for sale for $175,000 on eBay. So if you have the dough, you had better make your offer right away.

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Voxmobile The Guitar Shaped Vehicle | Perfect Vehicle for Guitar Freaks

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Alicia Machado

    Alicia Machado asegura que el 2009 fue muy fructífero en su carrera, además estrenará disco a principio del próximo añohttp://www.xarj.net/wp-content/gallery/alicia-photos/alicia-machado1.jpg

    Alicia Machado está que no cabe de felicidad, ya que cierra y comienza el año llena de trabajo.

    "Tengo una película en enero, ya seria mi tercera película americana, tengo una proyecto de telenovela para el año que entra, sigo en QUICK DIVORCE hasta enero febrero y viene el lanzamiento de mi disco nuevo", expresó la ex Miss Universo.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh9klQoI2_BvFH38cwS0G3KEkQi6lHAQdg-bZtdq8yxhQuA2rhlcgXSf0odwRH2Z6Fv3pUoayWSs31Le0pozXWx2Dow8Ls7x4JmvaqxGBPsJJqiImIJ5ZOUmbp0ozXkMqKLS5WmzOgW_72i/s400/Alicia+Machado+5.jpg

    La venezolana trabajará al lado de Paz Vega: "Hago un estelar con Paz Vega donde soy la villana y soy muy mala, con Abraham Pulido". Las locaciones de la cinta serán en México y Estados Unidos.http://alfredo.octavio.net/files/aoctavio_Alicia.jpg

    Para Machado el 2009 fue un gran año: "He podido adaptarme como mamá a luchar por mi hija, estoy cerrando el año bien con una obra que está teniendo mucho trabajo y viene muchísimo más trabajo, ¿qué más puedo pedir?".http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_uM0w1tnSwO8/SELXAn0rfSI/AAAAAAAAc-E/WvOZvND1mFU/s400/Alicia%2BMachado%2B3.jpg

    Mientras que en el tema del amor, al parecer le ha dado vacaciones al corazón: "Porque a veces no aparece la persona indicada, y cuando aparezca, ojalá sea alguien con el que pueda compartir un tiempo bonito y bueno", expresó.http://www.venelogia.com/uploads/alicia-machado-playboy.jpeg

    Sin embargo espera que Santa Claus le traiga una pareja esta Navidad: "Un novio que le guste mi trabajo, que me apoye y que quiera divertirse, pasarla bien y estar con una mujer que creo que no tengo problemas".https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh9klQoI2_BvFH38cwS0G3KEkQi6lHAQdg-bZtdq8yxhQuA2rhlcgXSf0odwRH2Z6Fv3pUoayWSs31Le0pozXWx2Dow8Ls7x4JmvaqxGBPsJJqiImIJ5ZOUmbp0ozXkMqKLS5WmzOgW_72i/s400/Alicia+Machado+5.jpg

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Alicia Machado

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té de menta PARA EL DOLOR

    Graciela Rocha y una planta de menta

    La investigadora recuerda haber tomado té de menta siendo niña. Durante miles de años los curanderos brasileños han sabido que la menta puede aliviar el dolor y ahora, por primera vez, ese conocimiento fue comprobado científicamente. Una investigación llevada a cabo en la Universidad de Newcastle, Inglaterra, afirma que la Hyptis crenata -conocida como menta brasileña- tiene propiedades analgésicas como las de los fármacos disponibles en el mercado.

    El estudio -llevado a cabo en ratones- fue presentado durante el Simposio Internacional de Plantas Medicinales y Nutracéuticas celebrado en Nueva Delhi, India.

    El equipo de investigadores primero llevó a cabo un sondeo en Brasil para saber cómo se prepara la medicina tradicionalmente y cuánto debe consumirse.


    Descubrieron que el método utilizado más comúnmente era como infusión de té, hirviendo las hojas secas en agua durante 30 minutos y dejando que se enfriara el líquido antes de beberlo.

    Desde que los humanos caminaron por primera vez en la Tierra buscaron plantas que pudieran curar sus enfermedades. Se calcula que en todo el mundo se usan más de 50.000 plantas con propósitos medicinales

    Graciela Rocha

    El equipo encontró que cuando la menta se suministra en una dosis similar a la que recetan los curanderos tradicionales, la medicina era tan efectiva para aliviar el dolor como un fármaco parecido a la aspirina sintética llamado indometacin. Ahora planean realizar un ensayo clínico para ver si la menta también es efectiva como analgésico en humanos.

    "Desde que los humanos caminaron por primera vez en la Tierra buscaron plantas que pudieran curar sus enfermedades" afirma Graciela Rocha, quien dirigió la investigación.

    "De hecho -agrega- se calcula que en todo el mundo se usan más de 50.000 plantas con propósitos medicinales".

    "Además de su uso tradicional, más de la mitad de todos los medicamentos que se recetan están basados en moléculas que surgen de forma natural en las plantas".

    "Lo que hicimos en este estudio es tomar una planta que se usa muy comúnmente para tratar el dolor de forma segura y comprobamos científicamente que funciona tan bien como algunos fármacos sintéticos".

    "Nuestro siguiente paso es descubrir cómo y porqué funciona de esta forma la planta".

    Hallazgo "interesante"

    Mujer tomando té

    Los curanderos brasileños utilizan té de menta desde hace miles de años.

    La propia investigadora -que es brasileña- recuerda que le daban té de menta para curar sus males siendo niña.

    "El sabor de la menta brasileña no es igual al sabor que mucha gente reconoce como menta en otros países", dice Rocha.

    "De hecho, sabe más como salvia, que es otra planta de la familia de la menta. No es muy agradable".

    La doctora Beverly Collett, presidenta de la Coalición de Políticas para el Dolor Crónico afirma que "obviamente se necesitan más estudios para identificar la molécula involucrada".

    "Pero ésta es una investigación interesante para el desarrollo de nuevos analgésicos en el futuro". WWW.WDALAW.COM

    "Los efectos de las sustancias similares a la aspirina se conocen desde que los antiguos griegos registraron el uso de la corteza de sauce para aliviar la fiebre".

    "Las hojas y la corteza del árbol de sauce contienen una sustancia llamada salicina, un compuesto que surge de forma natural y que es similar al ácido acetilsalicílico, el nombre químico de la aspirina", expresa la experta.

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té de menta PARA EL DOLOR

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Libertad bajo fianza para Polanski

    Roman Polanski

    Polanski ofreció una alta suma para su libertad bajo fianza.

    Un tribunal en Suiza aprobó la oferta de libertad bajo fianza del cineasta Roman Polanski, detenido en ese país por el abuso sexual de una menor cometido en Estados Unidos en 1977.

    Polanski pagaría US$4,5 millones para salir de prisión, pero quedaría bajo arresto domiciliario en su chalet suizo y con monitoreo electrónico.

    El juez del Ministerio de Justicia de Suiza dijo, sin embargo, que el conocido director permanecería en la cárcel hasta decidir si apelará el fallo de libertad bajo fianza ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC LAW El tribunal criminal en Suiza todavía considera que con Polanski hay un alto riesgo de fuga, pero el fallo este miércoles señaló que la nueva oferta de fianza era suficientemente significativa para contrarrestar esos temores.

    A finales de los 70, Polanski reconoció haber mantenido relaciones sexuales ilícitas con una niña de 13 años, aunque escapó de EE.UU. en 1978 antes de ser hallado culpable.

    El cineasta, de nacionalidad francesa, está detenido desde septiembre en Suiza donde ese gobierno continúa evaluando un pedido de extradición a Estados Unidos

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Libertad bajo fianza para Polanski

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How the Gold Bar was Made

    Gold has been widely used throughout the world as a vehicle for monetary exchange, either by issuance and recognition of gold coins or other bare metal quantities, or through gold-convertible paper instruments by establishing gold standards in which the total value of issued money is represented in a store of gold reserves.

    A gold bar is a quantity of refined metallic gold of any shape that is made by a bar producer meeting standard conditions of manufacture, labeling, and record keeping. Larger gold bars that are produced by pouring the molten metal into molds are called ingots. Smaller bars may be manufactured by minting or stamping from appropriately rolled gold sheets.

    The standard gold bar held by central banks and traded among bullion dealer is the 400-ounce (12.4 kg) Good Delivery gold bar.

    Today we will look at how gold bars are made. They then are going into the national gold reserves of Russia... maybe this is also how they made a golden car in Russia

    You’ll see many gold bars. The markings say 99.99% which is the high purity gold bar.

    Let me have a couple of bars please :))

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How the Gold Bar was Made

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Test Your Vocal in uSing2 The Best Free Online Karaoke

    Wow this is really amazing, i didn't know if things like that was exist in the internet. this site name was uSing2. this is the most popular online karaoke site. this is really cool website. actually i love singing. and after i see this cool online karaoke site i can also challenge the other user worldwide..

    There's many great features of this free online Karaoke service. one of them is you can sing everywhere via your browser. with that features we don't need to spend a lot of money to go to the karaoke lounge anymore. all you need is only a microphone and an internet connection. uSing2 website give you an instant access which means we don't have to download the software. it was really easy. we just have to register and then start singing online.

    The System of this Cool Karaoke Site was similar with the famous Singstar Games in Playstation, which is mean we have to sing along with the music to score a points. in uSing2 we can challenge other people to sing with us in a song and we can see in the charts which member of uSing2 has the best score when singing that song.

    How to join uSing2 and start singing online?? it's really easy, all you have to do is go to their website and then register with them, don't worry it's free, and after you register with them you can log in into the member area and then start singing online wherever you want.

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Test Your Vocal in uSing2 The Best Free Online Karaoke

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Your baby’s weight and insurance

    There's a school of thought that says, "the number don't lie". The assumption is that numbers are facts and facts are always true. So if someone counts the number of times something happens, this gives you a basis from which to estimate the probability of the same thing happening across a population. This is the basis of underwriting for insurance purposes. Teams of highly trained people called actuaries count how many traffic accidents there are. They break it down into the age, make and model of car, the age, gender and profession of the driver, the time of day, the weather conditions, and so on. We happily accept information that, in the first half of 2009, only 16,626 people were killed in crashes, a 7% drop as against the same period last year. We are not surprised when we read this proves that there are 1.15 deaths per 100 million miles driven. The facts are facts and must be true.

    Except when we apply the same approach to health insurance, some people get upset. Perhaps it's appropriate to be writing this at Halloween but the same actuaries have been counting the number of people who die from various diseases. For the purposes of this article, one of the main areas of interest has been the question of obesity. There are detailed numbers available across the country showing that people who have a high Body Mass Index (BMI) are more likely than thin people to die of heart disease. The medical evidence proves what are called "comorbidities", i.e. the presence of two or more conditions which, more often than not, suggests a cause and effect at work, or that there's an underlying vulnerability to both conditions. We are not so unhappy to accept a link between drug abuse and mental illness, but mention a possible link between body weight and disease and, suddenly, people are upset. People do not want to hear a link between their lifestyles and the probability of early death.

    The reality is that adults with a BMI of 30 and above are either being turned down for health insurance or charged a higher premium. No matter how politically correct it may be to talk about obesity, insurance companies protect themselves by classifying obesity as a pre-existing condition justifying refusal or a premium loading. So welcome to baby Alex, a newcomer to Grand Junction. He's four months old and breast-feeding. He's a happy, bouncing baby weighing in at seventeen pounds. With a length of 25 inches, this puts him in the 99th percentile for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's height and weight charts for babies of the same age. So the health insurance company refused coverage. Their cut-off point is the 95 percentile. When you think about it, this is a dramatic piece of news. It seems you are never too young to be overweight. This is not something to be dealt with through an increase in health insurance rates. This is a blank refusal of coverage. At four months, the actuaries have already decided this baby is too big a risk to insure. The parents are naturally upset. Even though their pediatrician has no health concerns, they are talking about putting the baby on the Atkins diet. They may joke but this may be a real sign of change in the health insurance industry. There is no sentimentality here. After all, the numbers don't lie, except the insurers changed their mind when the publicity hit. Alex is now insured. Some good news to end on.

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Your baby’s weight and insurance

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How to make a claim

    The majority of policy holders will go through the year without making a claim. It's possible a major weather disaster could suddenly take out an area, but the actual risks of fires, thefts and accidents around the home are relatively low. Even high-crime areas do not produce excessive numbers of claims. That's why, when the anticipated cost of all the losses is spread among the policy holders, the premiums are not too high. That said, people find the claims process confusing, so here are some simple steps to keep technical problems to a minimum.

    1. If a crime has been involved, notify the police immediately and cooperate with the investigation. Your insurance company will want full details of the investigation so keep good notes of the names and contact information for the officers who deal with it. Notifying the police also reduces the risk in the eyes of the insurer that you are making a fraudulent claim. Liaise with the police to get copies of any witness statements, police reports, fire department reports, and so on. Alternatively, be able to pass all the police or fire department contact details over to the insurer.

    2. Never delay notifying the insurance company or your local agent that you have suffered a loss. There are a whole series of processes that have to be set in motion to handle the claim. If the loss is minor, your local agent will usually deal with it directly. Anything more serious will go through the claims office. At the earliest possible opportunity, confirm who will liaise with you and how you contact that person.

    3. Depending on the circumstances, it's possible that emergency repairs are necessary. Most insurance companies operate a list of contractors approved to make these repairs. Many contractors can bill the insurers directly. If emergency repairs are necessary, get the necessary paperwork to authorize the work from the insurer at the earliest opportunity.

    4. Document every aspect of the damage to your property or the contents. That means taking photographs or a video, and keeping a diary of all the events so you can write up a full report for the agent or claims adjuster. The key issues are the value of property damaged or lost, and the cost of repairs. Hopefully, you have kept the receipts for all the bigger ticket items to set a baseline value.

    5. Deal with the home insurance company in writing as much as possible, keeping copies of letters and e-mails. If you speak to people by telephone, keep records of the date, time, the person you spoke with and a summary of what was said. This will help you if there is a dispute later on in the claims process.

    6. Ensure you are present when the agent or claims adjuster comes to inspect your property and point out all the damage. Again, keep notes of what is said.

    7. The home insurance company will make an offer of settlement. Take advice on whether the amount offered is fair. If building work is involved, talk to the building contractor. If you think the insurer is trying to take advantage of you in some way, discuss the issue with the insurance department or commissioner for your state.

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How to make a claim

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You can reduce your insurance premium by yourself

    When you possess and maintain a car you undergo severe expenses, but it doesn't mean you have to submit to this. You can reduce your expenses and here are some tips on how you can do this.

    Lower coverage on older cars

    In case you paid for your car and it's old, think about removing the clash coverage. It pays for damages you cause to your car. Moreover, it makes up a huge part of your insurance expenditure.

    Deal with only one insurance provider

    Collect all policies you have (car, home, etc.) to one insurer and you'll consequently get a multi-line reduction - up to 10% down from your complete premium.

    Increase your deductible

    Cut your car premium significantly by increasing the deductible (what you're paying out-of-pocket, when making a claim). The $250 and $500 deductibles disparity is normally very essential and if it's even more substantial when it's between $250 and $1,000 deductibles difference. Consider how much you can spend out-of-pocket before changing your deductible correspondingly.

    Acquire a quote before buying

    Before you buy a new car, contact your insurer to learn how much you'll have to spend for car insurance. Premiums can significantly change, depending on the model, year and the make of a car.

    You should drive cautiously

    Safe drivers get a better premium on their insurances. Elude speed violation and don't get involved into accidents to save 5% or even more on your premium. Most insurers will lower your rate inn future each time you drive three years without violations.

    Consider driving less

    Are you driving oddly? If so, let your insurer know of this. The less time you spend driving, the less accident probability you have. This frequently results in a cheap car insurance premium. Also, tell your insurer if you're a carpooler. There are many ways of getting a discount for low-mileage.

    Look for teen driver's discounts

    You can spend a pretty penny when trying to insure a teen driver, but you can do things to reduce the costs. Find out if they provide a good-student discount in case your teen has a B-average. Find out if a safe driving course attendance might cause a second reduction. Completing these two can save you from 5% to 25% of your premium.

    Secure your car from being stolen

    Cars kept in garages and supplied with alarms are less probable to be thieved, and consequently not as costly to insure. Be certain to inquire your insurer in case your vehicle can get a theft-prevented discount.

    By the way, did you know that some car insurance providers will grant you a reduction if you scribe your auto's VIN on the windows? You should inquire about this discount as well.

    Don't touch upon auto rental and roadside coverage

    Probably, your auto insurance is packaged with many extras you don't actually need - roadside help and auto rental insurance can be two of these. Review your policy thoroughly and inquire about withdrawing any unnecessary coverage.

    Improve your credit score

    Lots of insurers are now employing your credit score as element of the requirements defining your insurance premium expense. To make sure you get the best probable deal, be certain to cover your bills opportunely, and to dispute any credit recording mistakes you locate on the report.

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You can reduce your insurance premium by yourself

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World Tallest Model Ever with 205 cm Height

    Eve was known as the world tallest model ever. she has 205cm height. At 2 meters and 5 centimeters, Eve may be an incredibly tall, but she’s also incredibly hot. Yup, I do have a thing for “taller than thou” babes. look at the picture in the left and you can compare how tall is she.. in the left picture eve was posed with 1.62 meters tall Australian models. hmm i think that she will listed in the Guinness book of records next year as one of the tallest woman in the history..

    Eve, a successful American model and the tallest model in the world will grace the cover of Zoo Weekly, an Australian men’s magazine, with her extraordinary physique. This the first time a woman of her size appears on the front of such a publication and to better show off her tallness, she posed beside a 1.62 meters-tall Australian model.

    Zoo Weekly editor Paul Merrill said they had her bikini custom made, but it was worth it. Bro, I totally agree, great job! Oh, and who said good things come in small packages was so wrong!

    An American model measuring 205 cm (she’s about 6′9″) is set to be featured on the cover of Australian magazine Zoo Weekly. You think you’ve seen it all. The model, named Eve, appears on the cover of the magazine’s current issue alongside a 162 cm-tall (5′3″) Aussie model.

    On Seinfeld, George Constanza dreamed of one day sleeping with a giant woman. But George was a short, bald fella. To him, tall meant about 5′11″. Eve is truly head and shoulders above the other models out there.

    “No other magazine has put a woman who’s nearly seven feel tall on the cover,” editor Paul Merrill said, and he’s probably correct in that assumption. “We had … her bikini specially made, but it was worth it.”

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World Tallest Model Ever with 205 cm Height

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